A Good Father Provides

“But I have trusted in Your mercy;

My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

 I will sing to the Lord,

 Because He has dealt bountifully with me.”  Psalm 13:5-6


Because He has dealt bountifully with me!!!

And He has, which is why sometimes I feel ungrateful to continue asking for more. This of course is wrong, but it can hinder my prayers nonetheless, even if subconsciously. I am so glad the Lord knows my deepest heart.

And that kind of drip drip dripping doubt of selfishness, unworthiness, or greed, is why I loved a Facebook post I saw the other day.

It went something like: When God planned my life, He factored in my stupid.

What a comforting thought. I can use it to dry up that incessant drip of foolishness.

For a good father provides to the utmost of his ability and possessions.

And the Good Lord has no limitations when it comes to giving, everything is His.

So there is no such thing as being greedy when it comes to the prayers of His children.

How lovely……sigh,

I love you Abba.



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